Episode 56: What do we do with all of this STUFF?
/Death comes to us all, as the saying goes, and while your hosts aren’t feeling particularly morbid at the moment, we certainly look around from time to time at all of the tools and paints and supplies on our workbenches; the closets and shelves full of un-built kits; the stacks (and stacks and stacks) of books; our displays of the figures, vignettes, and dioramas we’ve built and collected from friends and artists we admire, and the odd piece of militaria we’ve acquired and think, “Who’s going to take care of all of this STUFF when we’re gone?”
And we bet you’ve asked this question, too.
As a maker and as a collector, our pal and repeat Small Subjects guest Joe Berton certainly has. What’s more, he has helped clear out the collections of quite a few of those we’ve lost who shared our passions—including some pretty epic ones. In this episode, we asked him to help us think about preparing for the inevitable, in part because we don’t know anyone who’s more expert in this regard, but also because, Joe being Joe, he brings plenty of laughs and quite a few memorable anecdotes to what could have been a somewhat dark discussion (but isn’t, we promise!).
Above: Joe adding to his collection in Marrakech, 2020. Below: A small (small, small) part of his collection at left, and a tiny (tiny, tiny) part of Shep Paine’s collection at right, including the Grenadier Guard uniform mentioned in this episode.
To wrap things up, although the day jobs have been a bear for both of us lately, we have been spending time at our workbenches in Utah and Chicago getting something done. Below: Barry’s review build of the new 1/35 French H39 kit (provided courtesy of Scott Gentry of the Plastic Posse Podcast and Tamiya USA).
And here’s Jim’s finished diorama of the troublesome 1/16th-scale Gecko Models Universal Carrier (say what you will, at least he finished it).