Episode 3: Some Tips for Modelers Who Are Reluctant to Paint Figures (and why they should try!)

Barry noticed something about some of the modelers in his Salt Lake City IPMS Group: They may be expert at finishing ordnance, but they’re reluctant (or scared to death!) to paint figures! In this episode, we discuss some of the reasons and why it seems so difficult to explain the process of figure painting. We try to convince a few more modelers to give it a try by talking about why figures can add something to your models, and offer Mr. Biediger’s patented 7 Tips for Beginning Figure Painters that will hopefully help take away some of the apprehension. Below are some of the images we discuss in this episode.


Shep Paine’s classic “stop sign” diagram.


Shep’s illustration applying the stop sign to folds in clothing (don’t JUST paint the inner fold dark!).


A figure from the cover of David Parker’s recent book CREW SCHOOL, and a good example of how Barry described painting simplified eyes in his list. (David’s book can be found here.)

Barry’s example a face primed black with white sprayed from above. And here are the Life Miniatures step-by-steps he mentioned: https://www.lifeminiatures.com/step-by-step.