January, 2016
/It’s a New Year, and there are some new additions to boxdioramas.com! First up, from the editors of the site on their gallery pages: as seen at the MMSI Chicago Show in October 2015, “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea,” the latest by yours truly, with accompanying step-by-step article, and “Thursday Evening,” the new one by Barry Biediger, which also has an accompanying article. And Darryl Audette has a new theater set, Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night,” featured on his gallery page, as well as on a new Web site of his own featuring all of his work.
Also seen at the Chicago show was Brian Duddy’s TV-box diorama “Kelly’s Heroes” (now featured on the Various Artists Newer Work page), and John Schley traveled all the way from Ireland to display two of the pieces featured on his gallery page, “A Fallen Empire” and “Some Had Nightmares.” We are happy to have several new gallery pages for artists who submitted their work or who we discovered on the Web: Anders Runnholm is a Swedish artist who does 1/35th-scale model railroad scenes as box dioramas; Mitsuo Kure is a miniaturist based in Tokyo who was inspired to try his hand at box dioramas by Shep Paine; Alan Wolfson did (and perhaps still does) amazing scenes of vintage New York street life, and the French artist Ronan-Jim Sevellec captured Bohemian Paris interiors in miniature. Finally, also on the archival tip, we have added images of a piece by Glynn Porteous that we hadn’t seen before to the Various Artists’ Older Work page, in addition to creating a veteran artist Gallery Page for Glenn Cunningham, who created several box dioramas of the Life of Christ for a museum in Florida.
As always, we appreciate your contributions, whether you’re sending us your own work or links to things you think would be of interest to builders and fans of box dioramas. Give a shout! And meanwhile, all the best in 2016.