Peter is a master modeler whose military interests combined with his artistic sensibility to create works that have been celebrated around the world, taking their place in private collections as well as those of the Canadian government. A past president and driving force of the Ontario Model Soldier Society in the 1970s and ’80s, he taught art and physics, a career that groomed him well to become a miniaturist, historian, reenactor, and in-demand historical consultant.

La Pucelle (“The Virgin”), (100mm)

This box was acquired by Joe Berton and restored by him and Jim DeRogatis in 2023; click here for additional images of that work.

The Martyrdom of Becket (100mm)

This box was restored by Jim DeRogatis for its owner, Alec Dawson, in May 2024. Click here for additional images.

Taking On Water (The American Capture of the U-505), (100mm)

The Emperor in Exile: Napoleon on Elba

La Decouverte Inattendue

Here, Obedient to Our Orders, We Lie
(100mm, 1979)