Additions to the site, September 2020
In the artists’ galleries established earlier, I’ve added my latest box dioramas “Witches to Their Sabbath” and “Adieu!” to my own gallery page, along with links to some additional images of the projects in construction, and I’ve posted a box by my co-editor Barry Biediger that had been missing from his gallery page, a 2016 effort he built for the great artist Bill Merklein. Three new boxes have also been added by Greek modeler Andreas Rousounelis; a new Star Wars-themed diorama enhances Dave Reynolds’ page, and there’s a new piece by Andy Axtell. I was also happy to add several new artists’ galleries; it’s great to see modelers and miniaturists either turning to this form or finally bringing their work to our attention! These additions include the first box diorama by Texas modeling legend Bob Bethea; the incredible work of veteran Australian modeler Geoff Barnes; another box debut, this one by Jon Harbuck (who also wrote an article on the history and step-by construction); some fine pieces by Washington state modeler Bill Huffman, U.K. modeler Ian Duthie, another first-timer who built an impressive box (and he wrote an article, too!). On the Various Artists page, you can find new images of boxes by Jean-Bernard André, Noel Meyer, Linda Mayer, and an unknown artist who created a great space-station scene that we’d love to know more about. Finally, for the Feature Articles page, in addition to those mentioned above, Joe Berton unearthed an article by Philip O. Stearns about another of his box dioramas that we’d previously missed, a Napoleonic scene chronicle in Military Modelling in 1975; Joe also sent us some images of the box dioramas at the Musée de l'Armée, taken not all that long ago when we were actually able to travel, and Barry Biediger made some notes on using forced perspective, written in response to a modeler who wrote to this site looking to use that technique in his first box diorama.
Also worth noting on the news front is a new diorama book by Marijn Van Gils, whose box dioramas are featured here, that shares the philosophy of this site and the late, great Sheperd Paine, encouraging modelers to stretch beyond the familiar, try new things, and create with unbridled imagination.