Episode 15: Dennis Levy
/Given your hosts’ special passion for box dioramas, like Nick Infield (Episode 11), Philadelphia-area modeler Dennis Levy has been a huge inspiration to the two of us for years, and he was high atop our list for interview subjects from the day we started this podcast. We had a blast talking with Dennis about boxes and more, and we barely even scratched the surface of his long-standing work with the annual Miniature Figure Collectors of America show, which is scheduled to happen in person once again on May 13 and 14, 2022. We hope you enjoy listening as much as we enjoyed doing the interview. As always, we end the show by talking about some of our favorite Dennis boxes—and all of them are shown in his artist’s gallery on this site, and then we chat about a few other things, including circle cutters (Barry can always suggest the right tool for the job!) and aborted projects. Thanks for listening!
Photo by Penny Meyer
Barry pick #1: Napoleon in Egypt
Jim pick: Faithful Unto Death
Barry pick #2: Raus!
Circle cutters from DSPIAE and Shadow Hobby; now that Barry hepped Jim to ‘em, he can’t believe he ever lived with one! Same with photo-etch Prop Blurs, an excellent idea and a great mom-and-pop business with fair pricing and fantastic service.
Jim’s latest 75mm original sculpted figures, a vignette built around that scratchbuilt piano, salvaged from an aborted box diorama (and, hopefully, put to good use here). It’s vaguely Bogie and Bacall, but not specifically meant to be—just that vibe.