Episode 49: Scott Primeau and More Tool Talk

In this episode, your hosts chat with Harris, Minnesota-based painter and sculptor Scott Primeau, a consistent gold-medal winner, Chicago medalist, and self-effacing talent whose attitude and ambition inspires both of us. Some examples of his work follow, many of which we discussed in our talk. You can find him on Facebook here.

Above: “Hey, Cowboy!”; “Stitches,” Best of Show Figures at the recent IPMS Nationals, and Scott’s spectacular Superman flat. Below: “Veiled Lady”; “The Babe,” and “Shadows.”

We’ve talked about tools on the podcast before—those we can’t live without, as well as those we certainly would rather avoid—but the subject has a way of continuing to come up. (Hey, it’s an obsession for all modelers!) Our pal Jack Lynch of the MFCA recently wrote, “Listening to the podcast and I can’t help but notice that certain modeling techniques and tools seem to strike fear into your heart (particularly fire, heat and airbrushing). You should do a discussion of people’s modeling fears. The only way to get past them is to dive in and commit to conquering your fear. I would love to bring you to the house and walk you through some of the things that scare you!”

We like Jack’s idea a lot, and would love to take the tour and benefit from his tutorials. But in the mean time, we once again talk about the Infini cutting mats, Jim’s new fondness using his pasta maker to roll out two-part epoxy putty really, really thin, and, of course, Barry’s dreaded table saw.